About the Event
CMD Food Tour is an annual event that provides the opportunity/platform to further promote other countries’ culture and tourism attractions in the Nigerian market. The annual CMD Gastronomy tour is the 6th edition we are organizing this year and it will be held on the 23rd of November, 2024.
The 1st edition focused on West Africa and the 2nd edition brought together the Caribbean countries. The 3rd edition saw a huge participation of East African countries, while the 4th edition brought together countries across Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia, and 15 Embassies attended the 5th edition under the theme ‘’A Day around the World’’.
Based on the success stories and feedback we have gotten so far we decided to extend the 6th edition to more countries and territories under the theme ‘’Another Day Around the World’’. This 6th edition of the CMD Food Tour is organized in partnership with the National Institute for Hospitality and Tourism (NIHOTOUR) and will bring together business communities, tour operators, relevant stakeholders in the tourism industry, the diplomatic community, and the media sector.
To be communicated once participation is confirmed
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By participating in this event, you will be able to promote your country’s food, and culture and position your country as a tourism destination in the Nigerian market and the sub-region as well as your Agric food business and investment, reaching established global buyers, and illustrate your willingness to work with Nigeria. We would like to inform you that the deadline for participation confirmation is August 30th, 2024, to give us ample time to plan and organize a perfect event.
The event will be strictly by invitation
Email – cecile@cmdtourismandtrade.com
Phone: +234 812 557 8461